By looking at the title, some of you might know already what story I'm going to write right?
Well..for those who have no idea of what is this "
Build A House in 30 days" thing, this is a reality TV about siblings project of building a house in 30 days for their special guest who will be coming from overseas to stay in the house they build for few months. Great no?
Am proud of this fellas not just because they are sibling whose building a house within 30 days but everyone of them doing this without any expertise in construction or building a house or a small small pondok orrr...whatever lah..Coooolll......right? Ah. Not to forget. Because they stays in Langkawi. Ngehehe.
Everyday, he will shoot whatever they've done throughout the day for 30 days and make a short movie out of it! Never imagine this before. Tsk.
*the 'tsk' like i've something in my head already and dunno how to deliver to public je ceh. padahal takdak apa pun :P
Okay, let's get knowing the actors first.
click picture to go to the FCU page
from left to right : Nordin (18), Musa (25), Azmi (27), Isa (21), Tajrid the otai (15) & Hafidz (11) |
Alright, let's terjah the
first episode of this Reality TV.
This is the get-to-know-the-actor episode which is the introduction of every of his handsome siblings and this part is so simple but professional with the name and age stated in the bottom. Love the graphic. No surprise la if
Aiz yang buat kan. Me like it. In this episod the FCU's are clearing the things inside the house which are not intact to the building in making it easier to demolish the house.
introduction ; like the graphic on his name & age |
doing the 'damage' thing |
episode two, on the first few minutes, the 21 years old Isa tell a story when Aiz met a paranormal entity bla..bla..bla..oke, i skipped this part X_X
In this episode too, they are planning to demolish the house and according to Abg Dean, it's 70% of demolishing the house was done. Great job guys. Ini tambahan. I like the way they put efforts together as a sibling sebab susah dah kot zaman sekarang nak tengok siblings yang sejantina sepakat macam depa nih. Mak sangat bangga nyah. Oke. Enough.
eh, what's that? |
is that a river down there? |
Let's move to
episode three. With HD video, heart touching (??) song, and the scenes in this video make this movie so wonderful. Watching this episode many times I feels like wanna cry already. Tsk. That one also wanna touching touching ar? Eh, sambung sambung.
So, they continue demolishing the house and within one day they successfully destroyed the house. Well done geng!
tajrid teh otai |
explaining the progress |
expertise in damaging thing :P |
episode four and the last episode up till now, they cleared the debris from the demolishing and also going to flatten the ground and mostly in this episode they have lotsa discussion. It's a big thing though. Building a house oii..bukan senang nak buat cincai - cincai. Tak pasai - pasai satgi naya ja orang mai rumah takdan masuk dah sembah bumi separuh. Huish. Mintak dijauhkan lah. Isk. Eh, by the way, nice song you got here. Where you got the song eh?
plan |
discussion |
see see see..pandai. |
Episod five was stopped due to Aiz and family going jalan - jalan to Gunung Raya if I'm not mistaken. Well, takpalah kan. They should also get some rest kan? Takkan nak projek manjang kan. Oke, apology accepted dik.
*eh, like those people apology to you pulaks
So, Aiz come out with this plan to involve the blogger in his project for episode five. Still couldn't figure what he's going to do but I sense something great will happen. So, just wait lah ye.
Oh. For those who interested in joining this project, you can make an entry of this project and submit
here eh takyah. Dah tarikh tutup dah :P
So, Aiz, this is my bet. Do as you wish with this entry.
*bajet pasrah la konon choy.
This blog is owned by Aiz.